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Videoloft is an innovative solution, a cloud-based service with a monthly cost and no commitment period. But choose how long you want your recorded material to be saved, 1 month or maybe several years, without it being overwritten by something else.
Everything is in one app and you can have your cameras anywhere, no NVRs or DVRs required. The remote monitoring gives you the freedom to easily access all your surveillance cameras from anywhere in the world. Whether you have one camera on site or thousands of cameras in multiple locations, Videoloft's mobile app allows you to stay connected, wherever you are, and access all your security footage in one place, seamlessly and securely, in real time.

The ultimate video surveillance solution in the cloud!
Storing with NVRs or DVRs may be sufficient as a primary storage method, but there are some associated costs. This requires, among other things, initial costs for purchase and installation. Fixed storage capacity, which means you can pay for more than you need or the storage space is not enough. This can require costly maintenance and sometimes even repair costs.
Besides being expensive, it can also come with other costs or mishaps. Storing locally can mean that when the storage limit is reached, it can get so bad that, without warning, your material is overplayed. Most local recorders then do not warn when they start overdubbing, stop recording, or encounter some other error.
And even if your recorder allows you to view images remotely, these often require port forwarding, leaving your system vulnerable to infiltration.
Finally, storing images from multiple cameras in different locations can make it difficult to view and manage your images, it also becomes very expensive to record to all your sites.
Save on cloud service!
But how much does this cloud service cost?
Pricing for Videoloft cloud varies depending on two key variables - How long you want to store your video and in what resolution you want your video to be recorded.
Du kan skapa din plan för att se hur mycket din molnplan skulle kosta, och även hur många Videoloft Cloud Adapters du behöver och priset för dem.
First of all, you can choose your cloud subscription and start your 30-day trial today. You can cancel it at any time.